Teresa Lynn

Teresa Lynn is Head of NLP Research Engagement at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi. Prior to that, she was a Research Fellow at the ADAPT Centre in Dublin City University. She was awarded her PhD in 2015 from both DCU and Macquarie University Sydney, and was a recipient of  the 2014-2015 Enterprise Ireland Fulbright Award, carrying out research at Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA. Her main research interests lie in developing tools and resources for Irish language technology. Past research has covered treebank development, syntactic dependency parsing, social media NLP, and multiword expressions.

She was the principal investigator on the GaelTech project (2017-2023), funded by the Irish Government Department of the Gaeltacht, which covered various research topics in Irish NLP. She was also a core member of the European Language Equality project and Ireland’s National Anchor Point for the ELRC (European Language Resource Coordination), overseeing national data collection for Irish machine translation. Other projects include ELRI (European Language Resource Infrastructure), the National Digital Plan for Irish, the Universal Dependencies Project, and PARSEME, LITHME and UniDive COST Actions. Teresa also worked in industry for several years, namely in the areas of localisation, NLP and machine translation.